David Cooper’s large oil paintings on canvas are executed with a meticulous attention to detail and are accompanied by intricate pencil drawings. A qualified art psychotherapist (since retired), his insistence for precision, clarity and individuality, has earned him a wide reputation with collectors and galleries. Collections include Aberdeen Art Galleries & Museums and The Robert Gordon University in Scotland. His work can be found in private collections throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States of America.
David Cooper’s research work includes the impact of art in healthcare and clinical environments and the psychodynamics of aggression and destruction in relationship to painting.
“These highly detailed paintings and drawings have the accuracy and precision of photorealism. It all looks too good to be true however and that initial marvelling at the sheer technical skill displayed soon turns to disquiet. The atmosphere throughout is unnaturally still, not a breath of wind ruffles the prevailing calm and the images have the heightened intensity of moments experienced before something momentous occurs. In some of the paintings this delicate delineation of a mood of anxious expectancy is the central pivot. Other works function more obviously as enigmatic pictorial puzzles, with hidden clues to grip the imagination more fully.”
Beatrice Phillpots, Arts Review
All images: © David Cooper. All rights reserved, DACS London 2025